Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The sun is always there.

The sun is always present.
It is just the clouds that hide the sun.

The trees have begun to unfold their leaves towards the sun.

So have the flowers.  
The flowers in our tiny garden have just started to unfold their petals 
and are showing us their lovely smiles :)

Our soul, our true self, is like the sun, it seems.
It is shining and smiling deep inside our heart, always and forever.

I remember that whenever I visited Val's former blog,
the photos on her blog appealed to me.
I could sense the sunlight from her photos, 
which was filtered through her eyes, her true self.

Happy belated birthday, Val:)


  1. Thank you so much dear friend, for your words and friendship!
    Yes, spring is an amazing season,one that makes us look up at the sun, one that makes us look ahead and feel warm and happy! :)

    1. Thank YOU for being YOU dear friend! Let me be your friend always and forever!!
      And let's enjoy the sunshine, and let's enjoy life. Especially in April, your birth month:)

  2. This is beautiful! And I agree! I know we all believe differently. But I love the common themes of light -- in us and that we are drawn to -- in so many different feelings and beliefs! I have always believed we are children of God -- and that our spirits carry his divinity in them and that if we are still and listen, our spirits resonate with his and whisper to our minds who we are -- which always directs our paths and draw us to light. Beautiful analogy of spring and flowers, etc here!

    1. Thank you so much for your heart!
      I resonate with your comments. Your comments to both Val and me are always inspiring.
      I agree with you too;) We are all connected with each other at the core of each heart. We are all one; we are all from one light-source. And I love this idea :)
