Monday, April 8, 2013


I've been drawn for ages to books on personal development, telling stories of personal trials and crusades, travels of the mind and growing of the soul.
Recently I've read the Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. It is a delightful book, I've had fun following the ups and downs, pros and cons of Gretchen's quest for happiness, or rather, her year spent on how to allow her own personal happiness to grow and expand. I share with her the opinion that happiness profits from being taken care of. Some people will think happiness follows a different path and needn't be directed. They will think that the minute you think of happiness, it is already half gone. Well, not for me. I've read various books that have given me an insight on happiness. I think one life is not enough to gain much knowledge about life itself: reading books (for example on  happiness) helps me gain a little time, a little insight from people who went through things I haven't, who have different opinions. I am all the better from their effort to share their experience and thoughts.
One thing struck me in G. Rubin's book: one passage about growing. It has been written about, it has been studied: some people derive a huge amount of happiness from growing, that is expanding their knowledge, developing their conscience. I do! I do get such satisfaction from accomplishing something, from the feeling that I have made some progress, taken up some challenge, or simply seen the end of a task. I also get consolation from thinking that growing old can mean growing wiser, growing better. Unfolding. Expanding. Learning. Improving.
The Happiness Project is now sitting on a precious shelf of mine. I am grateful that it has allowed me to distinguish more clearly one of the things that prompt me to be happy: the opportunity to grow.
Soon I'll share some thoughts on another book I'm finishing (see photo above!) and that has delighted me in many, many ways.
Peaceful, beautiful day to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Oh! I can't wait reading your piece about another book.
    Heaven on earth?! Exhilarating!
