Saturday, April 18, 2015

Saying my good byes

Dear all,
I obviously have a love/hate relationship with this blog!
I write less and less here, I miss my point, my friend Sachi is too busy elsewhere too, very few people come across this place or leave comments (thank you, dear Nancy, for your lovely support)...I'm getting discouraged and I see no point in pursuing this little adventure. It has been like that for quite a while, too.
Then I check at the previous posts and think, 'oh, what a shame, what a waste'.
There is probably something wrong in the format, or the design, the concept or whatever. If not, I'd get the urge to write more here and I would take better care of this little space.
There is so much I have to do, I still dig the idea of writing a blog. But this is probably not the right place for me. Or maybe my life is too absorbing. Or maybe I'm beginning to find more disappointment than fun in blogging/on the web...Or maybe I need right now to move to something else.
I'm becoming more and more of a minimalist. I do think that clothes or objects you haven't been wearing/used for months on end are not right for you anymore. They have served their time, done their purpose, you have outgrown them...
I think this is sadly the case for Beautify...Pacify.
I'll leave this little space open for my friend Sachi, who might want to come back here or use it as she likes. If she does, I'll be so happy to come back here as a guest. Who knows? We'll see. But for now, I'm saying my good byes. Thanks to those who have left comments or been kind enough to read our posts. Maybe I'll meet you again on another blog. Nancy, be sure I'll keep visiting your sweet blog. Sachi, you are a true friend and I'd love to see you create a new blog. :)
I'm off to new adventures. I think the real world is calling me away from the web and its giant network.
Lots of love. Namaste!